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High energy costs

The development in the costs of fossil fuels makes a switch to alternative energy sources appear advantageous from an economic point of view.

Biogas has long been in competition with fossil natural gas, and large-scale photovoltaics are now the cheapest way to produce electrical energy in Germany as well. A balanced mix of sustainably generated energy can make production processes extensively green and also has a cost-cutting effect. One way of reducing electricity costs and, above all, making them calculable in the future is optimized energy management in conjunction with Green Power Purchase Agreements (Green PPAs). This is because the relevant energy sources, i.e. PV and wind power, produce electrical power at almost the same prime costs over a long period of time. In addition, higher efficiency reduces energy costs.

This requires monitoring of existing plants, intelligent evaluation of the data obtained and the resulting improved control by means of energy management systems (e.g. by means of our digital “Energy Monitor” tool). All the energetically significant media in a production process are recorded, and their consumption is optimized and reduced.
