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News from Iqony

Here you will find all the latest news about important developments and projects of Iqony.

Hydrogen project in Saarland receives IPCEI funding approval

“HydroHub Fenne” in Völklingen to be supported with federal and state funds

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New training prospects for Bergkamen power plant site

STEAG to cooperate with RWE on industrial and technical apprenticeships

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Feasibility study on Bergkamen hydrogen cluster completed

Results do not permit economically viable implementation of the project at the present time

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Intersolar 2024: The future as an Independent Power Producer

Iqony Sens showcases its expanded business area for the first time at the world’s leading trade fair for the solar industry

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Photo: Erich Westendarp/Pixabay

Reorganisation of the Renewable division

Iqony Sens will develop solar and wind projects in future and is increasingly focussing on IPP // Exchange with newly established company at Intersolar

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Invitation to public dialog

Iqony presents planned new power plant at Bergkamen site

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SENS LSG connects a total output of more than 205 megawatts to the grid

Joint Venture between SENS and LSG completes two photovoltaic projects

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Mosbach Wind Farm: Iqony wins bidding process

Signing of license agreements with the town of Mosbach and the Stiftung Schönau foundation

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Dr. Andreas Reichel, Member of the State Parliament and Parliamentary State Secretary Josef Hovenjürgen, NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur, Gelsenkirchen's Lord Mayor Karin Welge, Matthias Kuhles and Dr. Ralf Schiele (from left to right)

Construction starts on district heating storage facility

Ground-breaking ceremony at Gewerkenstrasse in Gelsenkirchen in the presence of NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur and Mayor Karin Welge

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Iqony Fernwärme and RWE sign new heat supply contract

Waste heat from Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant is turned into climate-friendly district heating // Contract to run until the end of 2036

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SENS finalises 25 megawatt solar park on Swabian Alb in Germany

New solar park in Küpfendorf with 45,000 PV modules generates around 28,000 megawatt hours of green energy per year

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Climate-neutral heat for Herzogenrath

Iqony and regional utility enwor are working together to develop a blueprint for a successful heating transition in the North Rhine-Westphalian town

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E-world energy & water 2024: Focus on power plant strategy and hydrogen

Iqony presents green energy solutions of the future at Europe’s leading energy trade fair

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Iqony’s hydrogen project in Völklingen-Fenne, Saarland, classified as Important Project of Common European Interest

IPCEI notification by the European Union gives “HydroHub Fenne” access to federal and state funding

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SENS develops solar project pipeline of up to 1 Gigawatt in Poland

German solar service provider strengthens the expansion of renewable energy in Eastern Europe together with the Polish project developer Solar Energy PV

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STEAG reorganizes management team

Representatives of the new owner Asterion join the Supervisory Board and Management Board of the Essen-based energy company.

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Iqony drives the local heating transition

A district heating storage facility is being constructed in Gelsenkirchen to supply the local network for around a weekend

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Bayer, E.ON, Iqony and Westenergie planning hydrogen cluster for Bergkamen

Partners Bayer, E.ON, Iqony and Westenergie conclude a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a hydrogen cluster

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Generating energy from mine gas - like here at the General Blumenthal colliery in Recklinghausen

Recovery of mine gas investigated at the Leopold colliery

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Iqony finalizes funding agreement with EU

Grant Agreement for the ‘HydrOxy Hub Walsum’ hydrogen project in Duisburg now signed.

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SENS LSG builds 63 MWp solar park in Hungary

The joint venture's second project is saving almost 40,000 tons of CO2 with over 95,000 solar modules

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Iqony supports coal phase-out at Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG

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Keeping our word: District heating price to fall!

As announced in the summer, Iqony Fernwärme will reduce the district heating price in the region by around a quarter as of January 1, 2024

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Iqony and RAG implement innovative heating solution for the towns of Camphausen and Sulzbach in the Saar region, Germany

Mine water from RAG’s Camphausen drainage operations becomes a heat source

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Sven Mense, Bremen

Iqony tests green ammonia as fuel

Potentially climate-friendly alternative to fossil fuels

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STEAG heads for strong growth

Together with the future owner Asterion, investments in the green business of the future are to increase significantly – in particular in climate-neutral gas-fired power plants and decarbonization solutions in the medium term.

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© Mainova AG

Iqony supports decarbonization at Mainova

Essen-based energy company plans conversion of the Frankfurt West combined heat and power plant

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Iqony appoints new CFO

Susanne Pietsch succeeds Ralf Schmitz as Chief Financial Officer. He remains on the board as CTO.

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Sale of the STEAG Group completed

The new owner of the Essen-based energy company is the Spanish financial investor Asterion Industrial Partners

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SENS completes 13.5-megawatt solar park in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Project combines solar energy and groundwater protection

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SENS starts the building of two photovoltaic parks in Toledo

Built on 59 ha of land, both solar parks will avoid the emission of more than 24.000 tons of CO2 per year

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Iqony: Hydrogen project in Duisburg-Walsum wins EU funding

The HydrOxy Hub hydrogen generation plant is one of 41 EU-funded projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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District heating: prices to rise and then fall

Statutory escalator clause takes effect on July 1, 2023 – Governmental brake on heating prices continues to curb costs for consumers – Falling prices expected from January 2024 onwards

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Visiting the hydrogen future

Dr. Bettina Hübschen, Managing Director of the Saarland Hydrogen Agency, was our guest in Völklingen-Fenne

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FlexKWK: Green heat with high temperature storage

Partners from the energy sector, storage technology and science start research project

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135 MWp Agri-PV project by SENS and Peridot Solar in Sicily combines technology and nature

SENS’s largest solar project to date is a showcase for sustainable business practices

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Trimet and Iqony agree to cooperate on district heating

Waste heat from aluminum smelter to benefit Iqony’s district heating supply

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Iqony supports Swiss Federal Administration

Federal Office of Energy plans energy reserve for Switzerland

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Solar power for supermarket chain

SENS equips twelve discount supermarkets in Switzerland with photovoltaic systems

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On the sunny side thanks to SENS

Photovoltaic roof system implemented for the Kesseböhmer group of companies

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Starting signal for Sensaia

Software platform from Iqony successfully completes test phase and is now available to customers

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Green power for Erfurt

Iqony supplies wallpaper manufacturer Erfurt & Sohn with green power from January 2023

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A new year and a new name

Iqony takes the place of STEAG, but SENS stays SENS

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Getting the energy transition done

Iqony brings growth divisions together

With the launch of Iqony at the start of January, the division of the STEAG Group into two parts has now been successfully completed.

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Older Press releases

You can find more press releases here.

19.12.2022 – Waste heat for Rüdersdorf?

08.12.2022 – Ewald Woste new Chairman of the STEAG GmbH Supervisory Board

07.12.2022 – Sun and wind going hand in hand

21.11.2022 – Relief for district heating customers

18.11.2022 – STEAG to supply hydrogen

14.11.2022 – Climate-friendly heat for the Saar

21.10.2022 – STEAG cooperation with ADNOC pays off

21.10.2022 – STEAG returns 2.5 gigawatts additional power plant capacity to the market

20.10.2022 – STEAG sells shares in foreign power plant

29.09.2022 – Solar power for Bulgaria

22.09.2022 – Change in the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board

13.09.2022 – Krantz supplies ventilation systems for Konrad repository

25.08.2022 – District heating expansion successful

24.08.2022 – STEAG gains strength

22.08.2022 – STEAG joins Solytic

11.07.2022 – Top-scoring trainees

11.07.2022 – Fast track to excellence

08.07.2022 – Practice makes perfect!

04.07.2022 – Rescuers practice on wind turbine

23.06.2022 – STEAG headquarters becomes climate-neutral

20.06.2022 – SENS realisiert Solargroßprojekt

08.06.2022 – Aid for Ukrainian children from STEAG trainees

25.05.2022 – SENS completes solar parks in Spain

16.05.2022 – Marketing success for STEAG hydrogen project in Saarland

13.05.2022 – 2021 balance sheet confirms STEAG’s upward trend

28.04.2022 – Commercial properties supply solar power

08.04.2022 – Valuable contribution to the heating transition

07.04.2022  – Green solutions developed by experts

23.03.2022 – Change of management at STEAG New Energies

22.03.2022 – ADNOC and STEAG agree on ammonia pilot

21.03.2022 – thyssenkrupp Steel and STEAG agree delivery of hydrogen

02.03.2022 – STEAG ensures secure energy

01.03.2022 – Emissions accounting made easy

16.02.2022 – Solar power for Xanten

10.02.2022 – SENS implementing PV project in the UK

09.02.2022 – Gerhard Jochum elected Chairman of STEAG Supervisory Board

04.02.2022 – Green power from Mottbruch slag heap

31.01.2022 – Turning waste into green fuel

26.01.2022 – STEAG subsidiary develops further solar farm in Italy

19.01.2022 – Herne CCGT generates its first electricity

03.12.2021 – Führungswechsel bei STEAG

30.11.2021 – STEAG zeigt sich gut erholt

26.11.2021 – Effiziente Lösung für TK Bilstein

11.11.2021 – Energiewende durch Brennstoffumstellung

28.10.2021 – STEAG diskutiert Energiezukunft

25.10.2021 – Für eine Wasserstoffwirtschaft in der Großregion

20.10.2021 – STEAG setzt auf Griechenland

11.10.2021 – STEAG setzt auf künstliche Intelligenz

27.09.2021 – Kraftwerksprojekt von STEAG erreicht weiteren Meilenstein

21.09.2021 – STEAG-PV-Tochter schließt Kooperation für BeNeLux-Markt

16.09.2021 – Fernwärme-Verbund Saar verringert CO2-Fußabdruck

15.09.2021 – STEAG strafft die Geschäftsführung

02.09.2021 – STEAG setzt Hubbrücke instand

01.09.2021 – STEAG mit neuem Markenauftritt

31.08.2021 – Impfaktion auf Kraftwerksbaustelle

25.08.2021 – Erfolgreicher Projektabschluss in Ungarn

03.08.2021 – STEAG erreicht wichtige Meilensteine im Transformationsprozess

23.07.2021 – Saubere Luft für Deutschlands Schulen

05.07.2021 – STEAG setzt Fernwärmeausbau in Essen fort

01.07.2021 – STEAG startet grüne Versorgungsoffensive

30.06.2021 – STEAG-Azubis zeigen starke Leistung

01.06.2021 – Verantwortliches Handeln für einen nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg

31.05.2021 – EPH-Tochter schließt Übernahme von STEAG Power Minerals ab

28.05.2021 – Grenzüberschreitendes Wasserstoffprojekt an der Saar nimmt erste IPCEI-Hürde

04.05.2021 – STEAG beantragt weitere Stilllegungen von Kraftwerksblöcken

15.04.2021 – Bauarbeiten auf der Mottbruchhalde schreiten fort

13.04.2021 – STEAG meldet Modellkraftwerk Völklingen zur vorläufigen Stilllegung an

29.03.2021 – Energiezukunft in Herne nimmt Gestalt an

18.03.2021 – Kabelverlegung am neuen Kraftwerk in Herne

16.03.2021 – Krantz-Technik national und international gefragt

12.03.2021 – EPH-Tochter erwirbt STEAG Power Minerals

09.03.2021 – Photovoltaik als Partner der Landwirtschaft

08.03.2021 – KiTa der evangelischen Kirche an der Horsthofstraße eröffnet

08.03.2021 – Grenzüberschreitendes Wasserstoffprojekt an der Saar strebt IPCEI-Förderung an

02.03.2021 – Wärme der AVA Velsen wird zügig erschlossen

24.02.2021 – Grünes Wasserstoff-Projekt in Duisburg-Walsum strebt IPCEI-Förderung an

19.02.2021 – Saubere Luft für Berlins Schulen

16.02.2021 – Solarenergie für Südeuropa

12.02.2021 – STEAG intensiviert Transformationsprozess

12.02.2021 – Oberflächenabdichtung für den Altteil der Deponie Troisdorf

08.02.2021 – Forstarbeiten wegen Baumschäden

02.02.2021 – STEAG meldet zwei Kraftwerke im Saarland zur endgültigen Stilllegung an

21.01.2021 – STEAG erschließt Abwärme aus Grubenwasser für Fernwärmeversorgung

19.01.2021 – Neuer Geschäftsführer bei STEAG Fernwärme

14.01.2021 – 1.750 Euro für den guten Zweck

13.01.2021 – STEAG Fernwärme bietet CO2-Bonus

23.12.2020 – Windpark Crucea hat neuen Eigentümer

22.12.2020 – Luftfilter für das Friedensdorf International

18.12.2020 – STEAG baut Wasserversorgung für bp Raffinerie in Gelsenkirchen

10.12.2020 – Im Osten geht die Sonne auf

03.12.2020 – Grüner Wasserstoff für grünen Stahl aus Duisburg

24.11.2020 – Herzstück des neuen Herner Kraftwerks ist da

19.11.2020 – Krantz festigt Marktposition in Großbritannien

18.11.2020 – Gelebte Nachhaltigkeit

13.11.2020 – Mobile STEAG-Technik unterstützt Fernwärmeversorgung in Neu-Ulm

12.11.2020 – Krantz stellt Anti-Corona-Luftfilter vor

02.11.2020 – STEAG fällt Baubeschluss für Gladbecker Windrad

23.10.2020 – STEAG zeigt Stadt Gladbeck möglichen Baubeginn des Windrads an

20.10.2020 – Glückwunsch, STEAG Fernwärme!

19.10.2020 – STEAG gewinnt Energie aus Abluft

14.10.2020 – Thyssengas-Erdgastransportleitung zwischen Datteln und Herne erreicht neues STEAG-Kraftwerk

08.10.2020 – Abwärme nutzen, CO2-Bilanz verbessern

30.09.2020 – STEAG stellt sich neu auf

29.09.2020 – STEAG und Trianel bauen Solaraktivitäten in Deutschland aus

18.09.2020 – STEAG überzeugt bei KWK-Ausschreibung

15.09.2020 – STEAG realisiert acht Photovoltaik-Projekte in Ungarn

02.09.2020 – Fernwärme-Ausbau liegt im Zeitplan

28.08.2020 – STEAG nimmt Schnellladesäule in Betrieb

27.08.2020 – STEAG-Ausbildungswerkstatt in Herne eröffnet

20.08.2020 – STEAG investiert in Drucklufttechnik

19.08.2020 – Ablehnung des Eilantrags enttäuscht STEAG

04.08.2020 – Beirat neu bestellt

30.07.2020 – Klimafreundliche Wärme für die Saar

30.07.2020 – STEAG reicht Eilantrag beim Bundesverfassungsgericht ein

10.07.2020 – Ein wichtiger erster Schritt

03.07.2020 – „Stückwerk statt großer Wurf“

02.07.2020 – STEAG entlastet Fernwärme-Kunden

29.06.2020 – STEAG veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

09.06.2020 – Solarenergie für das Essener Trinkwasser

04.06.2020 – STEAG setzt Erfolgskurs auf der Iberischen Halbinsel fort

24.05.2020 – Joachim Rumstadt diskutiert im Bundestag

07.05.2020 – STEAG-Solarkraft unter spanischer Sonne wächst weiter

29.04.2020 – STEAG: Neuaufstellung kommt gut voran

27.04.2020 – STEAG investiert in Industrie 4.0

22.04.2020 – STEAG stellt Führungsmannschaft neu auf

15.04.2020 – STEAG unterstützt in Herne besondere Aktion in Zeiten von Corona

23.03.2020 – STEAG baut für die lokale Energiewende

16.03.2020 – STEAG zeigt Flagge gegen Rassismus

04.02.2020 – STEAG baut für die Energiezukunft

21.01.2020 – 1.500 Euro für den guten Zweck

15.01.2020 – STEAG sorgt für klimafreundliche Geowärme in Erding

Contact us

Daniel Mühlenfeld

Press Officer & Stakeholder Relations

T +49 201 801-4262
M +49 151 7421-0980

Christoph Dollhausen

Head of Communication and Marketing
