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Investors & developers

Feasibility studies

Our experts prepare feasibility studies for you that describe your energy transition projects in detail and assess their viability. They contain all the data on the energy generation facilities, transport routes, consumers and necessary storage media, which can also include hydrogen.

This results in clear decision-making guidelines based on the project brief, purpose, costs, times, performance requirements and constraints. The business plan is reviewed for all contingencies and a recommendation for implementation is made. The location, for example, is checked for availability of energy sources, cooling water and necessary road or rail connections. Socio-economic aspects such as land use, the relationship with stakeholders such as residents and landowners, the suitability of geotechnical and topographical conditions, and the connection to energy networks are also included.

For secure financing, these feasibility studies also consider all the legal aspects, such as permits, load-generation balance studies or least cost studies for various alternative fuels and sources of supply. Of course, all funding opportunities that can be expected are listed, as are environmental aspects such as emissions and wastewater treatment.
